THE HOLLOW Alley Theatre
"Mark Shanahan's John Cristow, M.D. is contemptuously vile and absolutely revolting. Shanahan expertly fills the audience with disgust because of his immaculately played egocentric, arrogant, and brash behaviors. It is a true but delightfully invigorating rarity for an actor to craft a villain that is so repulsive that the audience is titillated by how much they physically loathe and detest the fictional human being strutting on the stage before them."
"Mark Shanahan makes a classy cad as the philandering, condescending doctor." -- Houston Chronicle
"Coming off the huge success of the Alley's production of Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club, which he co-directed, Shanahan has changed hats, moving to actor in this lesser known work."
Alley Theatre
Photos by Jann Whaley